March Update

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, it’s been super busy here over the last few months. I juggle three jobs (social media consultancy, fashion blogging and of course writing) and the latter two have been particularly hectic since the new year. But it’s all exciting stuff, so here’s an update on the writing side of things, because HELLO, there are some awesome things to update you on.

EDITING: I disappeared into the editing cave at the beginning of the year and have only recently emerged. I’ve been working on edits with my publisher, which were actually pretty fun. It’s a lot easier to edit something when someone’s directing you, and they have a certain audience in mind. I didn’t even have any squabbles with my publisher over the edits – nothing major was changed, and all their suggestions were little improvements that seemed to make ripples of awesomeness throughout the book to improve it overall. My manuscript is now with a copy-editor to get a final look over before going to get typeset! Exciting!

SUBMISSION: The Elites is now on submission in the US. Funnily enough, I wasn’t very nervous during my first submission to UK publishers, probably because I was in hospital with appendicitis, so impending death was a bit more of a concern to me. But this time, I’m fretting away as I think of my little British book out there in the big US of A. I think it’s more of a worry this time because a) my book sold in the UK, so there’s pressure on it to sell again, and b) I have no idea what the US market is like. I don’t know whether my story works for it, and whether it’s differences/similarities to other books out there will work in its favour or against. If it doesn’t sell, I won’t be disheartened. I have an amazing publisher already who will be getting the book out to the UK and Commonwealth, and this is only my debut. I have so many more novels to write, I’m sure I’ll break across the pond sooner or later.

COVER: Even writing that one word sends a glorious shiver up my spine. I received the first mock up and ideas of the cover for The Elites from my publishers the other day, and it was truly a special moment. Seeing the mock up made it all feel real – this book is going out into the world later this year. Traditional publishing can feel so slow sometimes as a writer. You’ve done your bit already, so you’re not that involved with the process, aren’t in the meetings where your book is being discussed or have the day to day updates. So to see a cover idea – no matter how rough it is – is one of those moments when you can really feel things progressing.

WRITING: In between editing The Elites, I’ve been working hard on my current WIP, which I am absolutely giddy about and can’t wait to share with the world. It’ll be a long time – it’s not going to be my second published book even though it’s the second I’m writing, as it’s the start of a trilogy, and my second book will be another standalone – but I’m already so excited about it. I want to get it finished by the end of April so I can get started on my actual second book (The Memory Keepers), which I actually have a proper contract-binding deadline for. Eek!

Hope everyone is having a great month! If you’re a writer too, drop me links to your blog in the comments. I love having a nosy into what the lives of other writers are like 🙂 x

2 responses to “March Update”

  1. What an exciting year for you! I would love to review your book over on my blog one of our contributors Amy Keen is a YA author herself and loves reading other wonderful authors like yourself.

    Wishing you all the best for the rest of 2013, I have a feelings it’s going to be an incredible year for you

    Awkward Magazine

    1. Aw thanks for commenting Emma! Will check out your blog 🙂 x